Register for Funding to Support Ongoing Florida Marine Turtle Permit Activities

Each year the Sea Turtle Grants Committee will randomly select up to ten (10) organizations or institutions conducting ongoing Florida Marine Turtle Permit-related Nesting Beach Surveys, Stranding and Salvage, or Rehabilitation Activities to be awarded a non-competitive Mini-Grant of $1,000 in support of these activities. Funds may not be used for materials that contain fundraising or membership development language.

Funding in this category is intended to support established activities of Florida’s Marine Turtle Permit Holders. If you are not sure if your organization is eligible, please read Who Is Eligible to Receive Funding. (Please note that the Grants Program cannot award funds to an individual.) Recipients will be selected by the Committee and cannot have received funding from the Sea Turtle Grants Program in the previous grant cycle or for any other purpose in the current cycle. To be considered, current Florida Marine Turtle Permit Holders must submit a Registration Form by 5 pm (EST) on March 1, 2025, for the 2025-2026 funding cycle.

Eligibility (based on STGP Guidelines)(Required)
Ongoing Permitted Activities(Required)
Please check all activities that are conducted under the listed Marine Turtle Permit
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.